Tuesday 29 September 2009


Target Audience
15-18 years of age / College pupils- Gore, Blood and horror. Certificate 15

Ordinary business man who gets blackmailed by a secretive/mysterious person to kill people to save himself. He is then Ordered later on in the film to kill his brother.(Dilemma)

Start - Begins with the end with the man with blood on his hands after killing someone. Then goes back to past before he gets blackmailed so he has to kill people to save himself.

Middle - Starts with man killing people after getting blackmailed so he can save himself. He then finds out that his next job is to take out his brother.

End - Figures a way in which he doesn't have to kill his brother. Ends with the opening scene and he continues life as normal.

Title Of Film
Blood On His Hands - Working Title

Production Company Name
Innovation Productions

Opening Sequence
Starts with blood dripping on the floor Knife shaking in the background. Camera moves up to hands covered in blood like a bad TV signal kicks in throughout the rest of the sequence. Pictures of him and his brother are shown. He then washes hands and the blood wont wash off and then the title sequence starts to run. The end TV fizzes out and we are left with a black screen and all you can here is the sound of heavy breathing. Cuts to "days earlier" with main character and his brother at a café.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Shining Opening Scene

Here is the opening scene of The Shining by Stanley Kubrick made in the 1980's.

We have chosen this film because the music sets the tone and there is so much mystery in the opening few minutes. Some of the camera shots show beautiful surroundings and gives you a false sense of security.

Also unused film from the shining was used at the end of the directors cut version of Ridely Scott's Film Blade Runner Featuring Harrison Ford.